Sunday, 1 March 2015

CryptoTown Day 40 - Creative #Wagedelete
CryptoTown on Facebook
Connect Barrie! Before Winter's end

With the old campaign officially ended, I have been working tirelessly to re-tool for a campaign directed locally, with tangible local benefits. Here is a post made to capture any other efforts which follow the CryptoTown model.

/r/CryptoTown: CryptoTown Connection Points | Want to start your own local cybernetics club as part of the CryptoTown network? Check-in here. Questions? Ask here.

Trying to find the right approach for the local campaign, I made a few posts in what I called a sub crawl. This is multiple linked posts across many subs which share a common theme, and encourages inter-reddit discussion. These posts were not really aimed at the general public, but more towards Internet savvy people of Reddit. I did manage to attract some really good comments, though many were stuck in translation.

/r/Automate: The End of Labor - Automation discussion | Open Knowledge Society | Open Memetics cultural self-engineering | CryptoTown viral abundance | Civil Cybernetics | Sub Crawl!

/r/Permaculture: Permaculture discussion | Open Knowledge Society | Open Memetics cultural self-engineering | CryptoTown viral abundance | Civil Cybernetics | Sub Crawl!

/r/CryptoAnarchy: CryptoAnarchy discussion | Open Knowledge Society | Open Memetics cultural self-engineering | CryptoTown viral abundance | Civil Cybernetics | Sub Crawl!

/r/FreeCulture: FreeCulture discussion | Open Knowledge Society | Open Memetics cultural self-engineering | CryptoTown viral abundance | Civil Cybernetics | Sub Crawl!

/r/Ethereum: Ethereum for permaculture, grass-roots apps | Open Knowledge Society | Open Memetics cultural self-engineering | CryptoTown viral abundance | Civil Cybernetics | Sub Crawl!

Specifics under development. From this comment:
I would like to form a positive experience community outreach group, possibly as part of the Barrie Cybernetics Club (in planning). This would involve not only DDP specifically, but slightly less organized experiences such as found here (The Liberators International - AWESOME If you haven't seen this), and also spreading love over more traditional media (culture jamming). The point of all of this would be to raise awareness about local projects, places, people, which are not seeking profit, but to meet human needs locally (and need crowdfunding and participation). I think that the transcendent experience of really connecting with people unexpectedly is a great opportunity to draw cooperation and connect communities.

This is a facet of CryptoTown which can be summed up as model for viral permaculture. Create, Connect, Converge. Link up all local efforts/resources and work together to connect and expand communities, and tap into the wisdom of the planetary network to refine the efforts. (note: I have to look into the Decentral model to see how CryptoTown lines up (don't want to duplicate effort))

This then ties into Open Memetics, which is used to overcome the cultural barriers towards a cooperative society. Open Memetics implies a massive field which would also include permaculture methods and such. Genes Express life as memes express culture. You could say that Open Memetics is the guiding art which governs and improves the CryptoTown meme/virus.
Of course that was over a week ago, and I have created these groups and launched the campaign. Bring Positivity and Social Awareness to Barrie

Positive Experience Outreach Barrie

Anyone in the Barrie area who would be interested in participating in anything like the above (see campaign page), down to the smallest acts of kindness, is welcome.
  • Join the Facebook group - discuss and post pictures and videos 
  • Help Barrie break out of patterns, and experience life beyond the comfort zone 
  • Coordinate with the Barrie Cybernetics Club for maximum social impact 
The Barrie Cybernetics Club

Helping to connect and support local efforts towards decentralization and sustainable local abundance (permaculture). Cooperating as individuals to address local concerns such as the environment, poverty, homelessness, healthcare, drug abuse, and food/energy dependence.
  • Join the Facebook group - how's Barrie doin'? 
  • Create, Connect, Converge! - Pool resources and boost participation 
  • Utilize the Cryptotown network and Open Memetics to self-engineer our culture towards a society of cooperation and abundance. 

I have determined that by Spring time, I have to either have made something of this, or I need to start looking for wage income again. So with that in mind, I prepared the FB groups and campaign text as quickly as I could and shared it out for feedback. I want to thank everyone for their wonderful support, both online and offline for my work. It is extremely difficult to get this all right with no instruction manual :) The main difficulty I have encountered so far is the culture of profit and wage labor.

People feel it is more normal to receive a wage income from a private hierarchy motivated by profit which instructs one exactly what to do. In this case I am essentially asking us to fund self-guided work, motivated not by profit and exploitation, but by human needs. There is a great amount of potential here, and simply, if I am occupied doing other things, I am not sure that it will all happen. So I am presenting an opportunity. If we want to take this direction in Barrie, then we will have to work together. More details:

This could set a precedent for crowdfunding income, and allow for further funding of the same style. The culture is the only thing in the way. I also want to draw attention to the importance of what we are trying to do. Positive Experience Outreach is the last mile in cultural self-engineering. We have known for a long time that if we want to make a better world, we have to change ourselves, well let's make it happen!! The Party Pandemic is a huge opportunity, and we can be ahead of the curve.

The crowdfunding campaign is looking much improved, and there has been some participation happening in the FB groups. I think that it is time to start engaging more prominent talent, as well as sharing more widely with the Barrie public. If anyone has any suggestions to make this more marketable or understandable I would very much appreciate them. If anyone knows of any information that I might be missing, or which might help the message overall, please let me know. If anyone is interested in helping out in any way, please do so!

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