Friday, 1 May 2015

CryptoTown Day 101 - choose your own adventure. my reality.

CryptoTown Website

CryptoTown Tracker blog

I have launched one, perhaps final crowdfunding campaign.This will all be continually and heavily updated!

choose your own adventure. my reality. cryptotown.

I need your help to write the next chapter of my life: disaster or recognition? blog'n it either way. 

##Updated Intro:

“Open-Source Everything makes truth, rather than violence, the currency of power” -Robert David Steel

“You never change anything by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete” -Buckminster Fuller

“Without deviation (from the norm) progress is not possible” -Frank Zappa

You Choose the Next Chapter!

Guys, I screwed up big time. I am hoping to raise $3000 to soften my landing and transition from my full-time efforts with CryptoTown. This represents the two months of mortgage payments that are behind as of today, and the month of June.

But how did it come to this? -Wait.- Before we even get into that. Let's clear a few things up!

Wtf is this?

Welcome to my mid-life crisis? In December, I actually realized the systemic suffering and destruction inherent in our society and I thought I could help to change it. I feel that I have a unique set of skills and experiences which can help a lot of people. Trust me that there are no words for me to use to explain the magnitude of my work to you, this is why I turned to art. So I have been working for the last 5 months to express myself and experiment with ways to transition to a more open and cooperative culture.
 This work is so important to me that I sacrificed my career, almost ruined my life, worked harder, and under the most stressful circumstances I have ever experienced, just to materialize my ideas and share them with you. The most difficult part of discovering important things in life, is trying to express them.

"It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled." - Mark Twain
So, now, howcome people who actually work for a living have to pay for someone who doesn't? 
Ok. I know some of my other campaigns were focused on income replacement (wage delete) and working for the greater (common) good. I am just looking for help this time.
I know that people have to work for their money, and I have been through hell and received nothing for it. Had I been working my job, I would have taken home $15k in this time.
I messed up big and I am asking for help to get back on my feet, but hoping at the very least that perhaps you can click share. If I am lucky, my wife will never let me pull a crazy stunt like this again so please, SHARE MY WORK. Let it not be all for nothing.
Alright! So. How did it all come to this???
##original post:

You Choose the Next Chapter!

I am at a point where I could lose my house. I am hoping to raise $3000 to soften my landing and transition from my efforts with CryptoTown. This represents the two months of mortgage payments that are behind as of today, and the month of June. But how did it come to this?

Check out how many times I have shifted gear at the CryptoTown Tracker blog.

This could mark the end of my relentless over-work and overthought of the last five months since I left my job in December to express my ideas.

This isn't the first crowdfunding campaign I attempted. There is also:

Jan 20: Wage Delete | Open Memetics: CryptoTown - Civilization 2.0

This was a broad net, with some of my biggest ideas packed in. The only hope for this was the miracle that someone with a big social media account takes notice and shares.

Feb 25: Bring Positivity and Social Awareness to Barrie

Moving to a more local focus and exploring my immediate networks, connecting with other like minds on the ground.

Apr 01 (live): okcc sub unit for Universal Basic Income Studies

The third one was kind of a joke, but isn't industrial civilization a joke? The scope has begun to hit home, because, well quite frankly, I have nowhere left to go. This inspired this current campaign that you are reading. I also got the idea to sell my paintings as a gesture of closing up shop and liquidating my precious (to me ;) art to fend off the threat of violence, the force which kicks one out of one's house for failure to compete on the market.

Apr 23 (live): barrie's 1st decentralized dance party. cryptotown

Relaunched campaign due to interest.

So why the focus on crowdfunding?

Capital doesn't just walk up to stuff and say "here, let me help you become decentralized and self-sufficient." This is because it always expects a return. If I take out a loan to do my activities, I must struggle even more feverishly to squeeze a penny out of whatever I do with that. This is the never ending appropriation in a competitor/dominator society.

If we want to build local sustainable abundance, we have to find ways to sacrifice capital on the altar of decentralization. We need to lift all boats, not just the yachts. It will require a major cultural shift towards participation and cooperation.

For a quick dip into my world, check out this rather long comic, and then watch this youtube video.

The Choice

$0 - Continue the trend of the last four months. House likely foreclosed
$3300 - Help me not lose my house as I transition to likely minimum wage labor
+$_____ - Check out my previous crowdfunding attempts. I have ideas.

My Story

  • Schooling, debt, stress
  • musician - guitar, harmonica
  • gauntlet of fear (old youtube videos)
  • active with crypto
  • awakening to non-duality, emptyness of material
  • mid life crisis. the systemic, inherent structural suffering of hierarchy
  • CryptoTown Tracker blog
  • Encountering the machine, debt, bills, notices, relentless calls
  • Trying to find work now and now lose my house

My Innovations

  • Connect Everything | CryptoTown Supermovement (who speaks for Earth?)
  • CryptoTown On The Ground
  • GeoTabs offline internet and metadata
  • Open Memetics. Cultural self-engineering
  • Civic Crowdfunding. Wage Delete

What Else I have to Offer

My Wife and I live a fairly simple life, and have a lot of experience with gardening, preserving, cooking, knitting/sewing, health and wellbeaing, plants and herbs, etc. I would love to be able to explore hydroponics, 3d printing, permaculture techniques, etc and share with you all.

My Urgent Dilemma

  • unhealthy stress, health issues
  • career down the drain
  • house on edge of lost
  • wife next?
  • I can not keep up the work load that I have been under the last 5 months.
  • my work is incomplete, but I must secure income to not die (looking for job).
  • in the mean time I need help to pay two months past due mortgage + next

Social Media Strategy

  • Close friends please follow me on my fb page by hovering over friends and clicking "get notifications"
  • I hope that my friends will tell me every last reason why they think this won't work. (and then tip me anyhow, pls)
  • I will be contacting gatekeepers, public figured, groups, etc to ask them to look at my work and maybe share some of it.
  • I will strive to post daily and continue to keep everyone engaged for 2 weeks!

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