Friday, 30 January 2015

CryptoTown Day 10 - Open Memetics real-time sci-fi cybernetics

I had 6 hours of sleep to fuel yesterday's replying spree over at /r/sciencefiction: Negative/Dystopian Narratives limit our imagination and may help create what we fear. Where are the stories of positive, instructive (near-term), sci-fi based in equality, cooperation, connectivity and civil abundance?

Aside from a mild bit of trolling, I spent most of the day putting together replies to try to really shape it into a fantastic post.  I brought in a lot of links from some of my previous work and to other works, as well as cross connecting quite a few of the comments where discussion overlapped.

I made some replies to a post on /r/environment: David Attenborough interview: "The only way to save the planet from famine and species extinction is to limit human population growth...'It’s not just climate change; it’s sheer space, places to grow food for this enormous horde.'"

 Here was my reply:
This is a great example of what we were just talking about a couple days back on /r/sciencefiction:
Negative/Dystopian Narratives limit our imagination and may help create what we fear. Where are the stories of positive, instructive (near-term), sci-fi based in equality, cooperation, connectivity and civil abundance?

and the day before on /r/DarkFuturology:
Negative Narratives (or, do you believe in fate Neo?) - Are we consumed by a fearful reactive state? Is constant exposure to negative narrative creating the future we fear?

The premise is a worldview of division, stratification, self and other, etc. From this worldview foreign intervention is seen as the only real possibility.

If we were to come from the angle of permaculture, cooperation, abundance, etc, the possibilities expand. Its the difference between isolation and connection on the individual (peer) level.
on r/collapse, on r/environment, on r/DarkFuturology, on r/Anticonsumption

Found a really cool website for exploring culture in tv film book music game etc. TV Tropes Wiki

I have also put quite a bit of work into content for the /r/OpenMemetics sub:

Open Memetics as real-time sci-fi cybernetics for Open Society. Participatory Governance of civil internetworks, culture jamming, hyperstition:

From this post:
The Great Memetic Pandemic of 2015 was the spark that set fire to ego, and united the movements of consciousness. The long awaited chance to defuse exponential exploitation had arrived, and the tiny Blue Dot was almost ready to meet the stars. Once a whisper, the call had reached crescendo: Create, Connect, Converge!
Fate is not about a known or set future. Fate is about unconscious behavior. Fate is comfortable, automated behavior. Fate is a narrow set of possibility. Fate is about not participating in your own future.

From a comment of mine:

I am trying in part to point out how our sci-fi stories do not seem to pierce the hyperstition, the unconscious leading-edge wave of cultural narrative, for the positive. From Hyperstition post:
“Popular anxieties about the uncertainties of the future procured by rapid change are not merely the issue of ignorance,” explains historian Felipe Fernández-Armesto. “Rather they are symptoms of a world in the grip of ‘future shock'” (2001:556). Those who find change unbearable not only expect it to become uncontainable but work to make it so by fanning the flames of paranoia. ‘Future shock’ is one mechanism whereby hyperstition works to bring about the causal conditions for apocalypse. Once started, a hyperstition spreads like a virus and with unpredicatable effects. They are “chinese puzzle boxes, opening to unfold to reveal numerous ‘sorcerous’ interventions in the world of history,” explains Land (
The operating system has loaded a bit of a virus called civilization. This is a great opportunity to point to the Dark Mountain project. Uncivilization | The Dark Mountatin Manifesto (not positive how active this movement is).
They call uncivilization that which I prefer to call Civilization 2.0. We can call it the upgrade to abundance motivated cooperation of peers (fundamental equality). The Dark Mountain project seems to acknowledge that art is very important to help shape culture (creative expression bypasses ego defenses).
I also like to highlight the importance of creative expression, or narrative (stories, art, humor, etc), in connection with the latest in scientifically understood possibility! This is sci-fi! How else do we make rapid changes to our culture without first imaging what we are currently doing and could be doing right now towards what. Some form of Open Memetics to keep the discussions connected and converged could accelerate this process greatly. Prosumers of our own culture, we could weave possibility (narrative) in real-time.

It's Friday night so that means time to kick back and enjoy the weekly jam + day of rest and lan games.

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