Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Kickstarter Campaign Launch!

It was a Super New Moon yesterday and a great time to kick off my crowdfunding efforts! I spent all day putting it together. I have been trying to balance work with exercise and meditation and other things, but sometimes those 12 hour days come along...

Last night I only had time to begin engaging friends and family via Facebook and to make one quick tweet: Crowdfunded - Help me help you!  

Today I made two posts to Reddit on the Rad_Decentralization sub and the DarkNetPlan sub to try to get feedback on my GeoTabs system. I also threw in the CryptoTown Memeplex for good measure. All exposure is good, and the memeplex is relevant to these subs. I also included a link to retweet the above tweet.

GeoTabs - Internet 2.0? Client-Service model augmented/replaced by web of trust peer based flow. Opinions appreciated. Bonus: CryptoTown Memeplex - Civilization 2.0 - Equality - Abundance

GeoTabs - Internet 2.0? I am releasing all work I have done on this in the hopes that it's useful. Bonus: CryptoTown Memeplex - Civilization 2.0 - Equality - Abundance

Moving on to Twitter, I dont have so many followers, so when I make a post not many people see it. I am trying another strategy to tailor posts to specific accounts which resonate well with the CryptoTown memeplex. I have made a few posts already which simply try to offer something profound for the account's followers that they might be willing to share. If this happens on a large account it could spark a lot of interest. (but few FB followers.. oh well)

Regular updates to follow.

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